Protein or peptide name:NCX1
Protein or peptide start site:NA
Protein or peptide end site:NA
ncRNA start site:81373105
ncRNA end site:81738387
Genome Browser:NA
Protein or peptide sequence:NA
Protein or peptide length:600aa
ncRNA type:circRNA
ncRNA name:NCX1
Entrez ID:20541
Experimental species:Mus musculus
Experimental techniques:Immunoblotting
Experimental sample (cell line and/or tissue):LLC-MK2
Description:A protein, matching the predicted size of about 70 kDa, was expressed, and the transfected cells possessed Na/Ca exchange activity. Although in native tissue we could not detect a protein corresponding exactly to that predicted from the circular transcript, a prominent band of slightly shorter size, possibly representing further proteolytic processing of circular transcript protein, was observed in membranes from LLC-MK2 cells and rat kidney.
Subcellular location:NA
Function:A protein, matching the predicted size of approximately 70 kDa, was expressed, and the transfected cells possessed Na/Ca exchange activity.
Title of paper:A circularized sodium-calcium exchanger exon 2 transcript
Year of publication:1999